HeartBeats LIVE!

Free virtual event with Leslie

Tuesday February 13th, 12 pm PST / 3 pm EDT / 8 pm UK

Speaking From Your Heart: Connecting Your 4th and 5th Chakras To Empower Self Expression

Beyond rainbow colors and spinning wheels, your chakras - energy centers - are a source of soul wisdom, vibrancy, and power. Come learn about what chakras are and how to access what awaits you here when you deeply connect, in.
We’ll focus primarily on the 4th, HEART, and 5th, THROAT, for this session and explore how to link the two to help you find, and use, your voice.

Join Leslie and friends within the HeartSong community for this once a month free event where we share insights, inspiration, and straight talk to help you live with more vitality, integrity, and ease. 

Leslie speaks on a new topic each month, sharing from her 30+ years of yoga study, practice, and teaching. You are invited to listen in and join the conversation with questions and sharing from your personal experience as well. Plus there's always a practice to help you to explore and deepen your inner knowing around whatever our topic is.